
French arms companies to manufacture directly on Ukrainian soil, defence minister says

How can one not arrive at the conclusion that they are all in on it together?

Forever war as in 1984

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Many such cases. You'd think the Russians would simply use some of their missiles to destroy these factories but for some reason that is not happening and most likely will not happen in the future either.

Turkey's drone maker Baykar begins to build plant in Ukraine


Rheinmetall to produce first armored vehicles in Ukraine in 2024 -report


British arms maker BAE Systems sets up in Ukraine


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Jesse, you should drop everything and do a weekly show with these two

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I was just going to say. The three make for an excellent trio, I find that their perspectives and 'styles' complement each other very well. It was a great listen.

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Like a Jazz trio you mean? With ballons ans sounds effects, Pastorius coming back from the dead to play the bass? Stuff like that?

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Showtime, hum? Style? Why not found an Institute of ndless Babbling about the Same Eternal Truth? What about raising an army instead? Aren't you tired of words and endless analysis? The carrots are cooked mates. This is all become obscene.

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Decentralized citizen defense.

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Interesting concept. How does it works out of what we should have done already?

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Many things should have been done by now. Too many captured minds keep playing into the same circle-jerk system that is destroying us and none of our police or military have done a damn thing to prevent the sabotage of our nations by organizations like WHO, and WEF.

A group of friends and associates who value their constitutional rights are bound by their common beliefs. These groups keep themselves well-informed about the enemy's inside actions to destroy their constitutional rights. So, for example, a group of parents decide to withdraw their children from the infectious school system because they are forcing an illegal vaccination mandate on their kids. Problem, reaction, solution. Do not comply with illegal unconstitutional directives. Use the law to our benefit. etc. It's already happening everywhere. Look at the farmers' revolt in Europe. Citizens have power when they unite and take action. Our governments have been infiltrated by treasonous cowards. It's up to us to change it one small step at a time. Salut.

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"The firm successfully implanted a chip on its first human patient after receiving approval for human trial recruitment in September...

The study uses a robot to surgically place a brain-computer interface implant in a region of the brain that controls the intention to move, Neuralink said the initial goal is to enable people to control a computer cursor or keyboard using their thoughts."

Nah, it's actually a device to remotely control how humans "should" think and feel. Just in time, as concerned ruling elites fear that mainstream media news propaganda is wearing thin and viewers are no longer buying the bullshit.

Btw, that includes the hegemonic official security state narrative declaring-- genocide spreads democracy. 🤨

And that also explains why Julian Assange is indefinitely rotting in prison, as he'd have no hesitancy about revealing piles of data showing how Ukraine/US/Israel/Russia criminal cartels are absconding with billions in blood money.

Yes, the massacres are real but the "not war/proxy mess" is a contrived lump of shit.

"Three steps must be taken to smash the war racket. 1. We must take the profit out of war. 2. We must permit the youth of the land who would bear arms to decide whether or not there should be war. 3. We must limit our military forces to home defense purposes."

Smedley D. Butler

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Well I would suggest Rolo looking into organizations like the Council for National Policy or the Heritage Foundation to understand that the Trump and MAGA movement has been build up by elitist circles and was never really a grassroots uprise as described in large portions of the english speaking indy media sphere..

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The Tucker is in it too (Heritage Foundation) fyi.

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Completely agree. 👍

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Need to say this. Lots of excellent stuff here. But the rant by Rurik about "communism" starting around 1:05:00 is totally off the wall. The Bolsheviks were NOT remotely about implementing Marx's ideas, as their own plans were completely opposite his notions and those of fellow members of the international socialist movement of the 19th Century. The international movement had a goal of bringing about a world of a post-capitalist society of total communal control of all productive resources, run via direct participatory democracy.

The Bolsheviks (From Bolshoi, big, the majority faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party) were about implementing state control of society, run in a top down manner. The first thing the Bolsheviks did after seizing state power in November 1917 was to suppress the communists and anarchists and remove power from the local councils ("soviets") and factory committees which had taken over so much of society in the months after the Czar's overthrow in March 1917. Power was centralized, and indeed that's how NEP was implemented.

Stalin was NOT a deviation from the general course, he was completely OK with making deals with multinational corporations, trade deals with Germany in the 1920s and then deals with the likes of GM and International Harvester. Yes, Gorbachev was a continuation of this process, but it has ZERO to do with Marx or "communism." And Marx was not a pal of Lincoln, he indeed exposed how Lincoln, the friend of corporate America, handed over vast amounts of public land to private interests in 1862 (The Homestead Act).

My underground twin brother Jack Straw wrote about what was going on in January 1988, while the Soviet Union still existed, see here, Yuppies in Moscow? https://dailybattle.pairsite.com/2014/yuppies_moscow.shtml

And a good companion article by my late colleague Tod Fletcher from 1990 is here. Ecocide on the East Side, https://dailybattle.pairsite.com/2014/ecocide_eastside.shtml

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Download (i.e., non-streaming) link, please?

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It works for me, but try the following link. It downloads the transcoded mp3.


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Council for National Policy..Funded in 1981 by the former evangelical preacher Tim Lahey and originally financed by Nelson Bunker Hunt,Nelson Rockefeller,the Unification Church aka Moon sect,the Coke and Coors,Regnery Family,among others. Members of the CNP were involved in the Iran-Contra affair,funding of Al-Quaida,and the PNAC document..Every republican presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan spoke in front of CNP members before getting nominated as candidate on the republican convention. Every head of the CNP with one exception was also member of the Knights of Malta. The CNP doesn't publish membership lists itself but lists were leaked and the CNP didn't deny the authenticity of the lists. To name a few famous former or current members of the CNP now..Mike Pence,Rudy Giuliani,Mike Pompeo,John Bolton,Steve Bannon.Michael Flynn,Erik Prince,Peter Thiel,Kenneth Blackwell,Betsy Devos,Tom Fitton(Judicial Watch),Oliver North(iran-Contra affair),Paul Craig Roberts,Richard deVos,Joseph Coors,Pierre du Pont,Jerry Falwell,Edwin Feulner(Heritage Foundation),Foster Friess(financed Turning Point USA with Charlie Kirk),Jesse Helms,Nelson Bunker Hunt,Herbert William Hunt,Jack Kamp,Tim Lahey,Larry McDonald(also John Birch Society),Edwin Meese the third,Charles Missler,Grover Norquist,Larry Pratt,Pat Robertson,Phyllis Schlafly,General John Singlaub(Iran-Contra affair,Cleon Skousen(Mormon mafia),Edward Teller(inventor of the neutron bomb),Richard Viguerie,Paul Weyrich etc...Here an introduction into the Council for National Policy..https://odysee.com/$/playlist/25243a889377da7f090077f599968d74241a063c. Here the links to the two part documentary series provided by researcher Josh Reeves called "the secret right". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a18YlNgIXEE, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9eeCUnbj60.. Here the speech of Donald Trump in front of CNP members in august 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZCGpI_-GMo

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I cut ties with Trump supporters after the height of the Covid tyranny. They were pretty good about coming out and standing up for everyone’s rights.

I cut ties with them because at heart they’re very gnarly people. They support teachers having guns at school- like carrying them. These Trump supporters want to destroy the Second Amendment as well as the remnants of our educational system. They’re religious in a way that’s just terribly wrong in so many ways and they indeed capitalized off all this.

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Rurik, when you mention "Odessa" you have to keep repeating that Russia refuses a naval blockade and refuses to attack ships docking in the port. Even through they are brining in weapons used to fight against Russia.

You do not not keep repeating it specifically, then people dont know what you mean.

And that Russia refuses to strike the train line through a mountain tunnel from Poland where the weapons are coming in.

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And here an introduction to another important elitist organisation based in europe with Opus Dei and the Vatican family at its core and since the 1970s onwards ties to the anglo-american-zionist elite.https://isgp-studies.com/le-cercle-pinay. And here some interesting informations on the Brexit backers..Nothing is as it seems it more and more looks to me..https://isgp-studies.com/le-cercle-pinay#euroskeptics-ukip-mi6

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Great talk

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Edward Slavsquat is a government disinformation agent. He promotes "no virus theory".

"Viruses dont exist". Anyone who has children and one child in your neighborhood gives your other six children chickpox shoudl go interview Edward Slavsquat and ask him about his no-virus theory.

Governments and corporations are hybridizing livestock viruses in a lab, so that they infect humans. Then they are patenting them, patenting vaccines and patenting viral tests. Then releasing the viruses onto the population for profit and social control. They are making hundreds of billions of dollars a year on this scam. They have been doing this systematically since the 1960s, but now ramped it up massively.

Human transmission from animals of viruses is not demonstrated, except through lab protocols used to create "novel" hybridized viruses that originated in live stock or other species.

Edward Slavsquat claims that viruses dont exist.

Every single people spreading "Covid 5G" and "Viruses dont exist" is part of DHS and US white house disinformation operation. They are "creating alternative narratives" or "engage in culture jamming" and is "slow the rate of unanimous consensus in dissident communities. They ran the same bullshit game on the 9/11 truther movement.

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Go get another shot, I think you are running out of graphene.

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"Covid doesnt exist. Its snake venom in the water!"

"5G causes covid" was running before covid virus was even released.

"It was released at Wuhan military games. The American troops flown in were already sick and were ground zero for Wuhan Covid" <-- spread by Israeli spy in Taiwan in media a week before anyone had even heard of the virus outbreak.

"The vaccines contain Graphene"

"The vaccines contain RFID chips". If you get a covid vaccine, then you show up an RFID/Bluetooth Scanner.

"Covid vaccine magnetism". If you take the covid vaccine, magnetics will stick to your arm. Look up who produced and distributed those videos. Where did they come from? Who made these claims?

There are insect parasite larva in the covid vaccine. Who produced these videos? Who distributed them? Who are they?

Where did the narratives come from?

"Diversity of Narratives" serves a purpose. To pretend consensuses and to prevent action.

Trump's staff was receiving monoclonal anti-body treatments against the virus and so were members of press core, before the virus was even sequenced? Why?

Why did Trump authorize ESF funding prior to the "outbreak".

Why did US "intelligence" circulate reports about the Wuhan virus "outbreak" weeks before the virus was released and circulating in Wuhan?

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Edward does not believe in No Virus theory. People in his comments section do.

I am the one who believes in Terrain theory. I just don't write about it.

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>Edward does not believe in No Virus theory.

I would confirm. The 5th podcast on his website is no-virus propaganda.

Edward Slavsquat is not on the list of people being harassed by the US military PSYOP "the virus doesnt exist" people, so he is a no-virus guy.


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Is there something wrong with the audio recording? Just short of the 60 minute mark it seems to end abruptly. Excellent interview up to that point btw.

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Note: I tried again and made it beyond 60 minutes so maybe just my connection.

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Great analysis as usual by Riley/Rurik.

They show bring back the WOAW podcast

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thousand Military Vehicles and equipment With 90,000 NATO elite troops arrive in Poland

I don't see how they will senselessly slaughter these guys and have it wash over.

It is all getting very weird.

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It's some Oligarch teams little struggle, payed by us Plebs.

We Plebs have no saying here, we are only good for being exploited along their hobby- like struggles.

Keep it up, guys. Many of us Plebs are so tired of their lies and degenerated corpses.

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It is hard to find someone more abrasive that Rurik-Bogdan-Skywalker.

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