Apr 18·edited Apr 18

critical theory is a frankfurt school idea. the frankfurt school is quite evil. I think fabio needs to be made aware of that. lot of people he mentions are bad people as well such as marx, hegel, baurillard ect. in the case of baurillard he is a post modernist which is also bad. also hamas is a creation of the mossad and the CIA. overall i really liked this conversation.

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There is a huge disconnect between Marx and Baudrillard. Treating them as a continuum is grotesque. And Marx turned Hegel on his head.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

overall i really did think this convo was insightful. how did marx turn hegel on its head? i am actually curious not attacking. also i am not a fan of centralized power in any way. also not everyone involved in the 4IR is fully aware of what they are building. only those families whose lineages stretch back into antiquity and those right below them know the whole game.

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Marx grew increasingly antagonistic to centralized power, especially with the 1871 Paris Commune and later on his research into anthropology. See


Marx stood Hegel on his head in his own view of his role by turning the idealistic dialectic into a materialistic one in proposing that material circumstances shape ideas instead of the other way around. In this, Marx was following the lead of Feuerbach. (though he grew critical of him as well, even writing a book with that as its title).


And even better,


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Lots of valuable input and insights - thank you.

MSM does not cover the covid genocide.

Or ongoing, longstanding genocides elsewhere.

Yet MSM focuses attention on Gaza.

This raises obvious questions for critical thinking people.

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The Gaza genocide is real, and is just the latest chapter of a genocide that's now 76 years and counting.

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That is one perspective - there are others.

Other genocides are very real and long lasting too.

Some people groups have been almost eliminated by long-term poverty, despair and starvation - the Guarani in Brazil for instance - same end just different means.

If the MSM only allows ONE narrative on ANYTHING - red flag!

The propaganda web around both Gaza and the Ukraine is so thick, no one can hope to know all the facts, or the real reasons for what is going on.

The people suffering and dying, do not even know what is really going on.

Russia bad, Ukraine good - when clearly it is not!

Israel bad, Gaza good - when clearly it is not!

Indians bad, white men good - when clearly they are not!

Germany bad, the Allies good - when clearly they were not!

I rest my case.

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"Israel bad, Gaza good - when clearly it is not!

What has "Gaza" done to Israel?

See the set of maps at this page? Do you not see a clear trend over the last 78 years? Are you really putting the two on equal footing? The genocide has been ONE SIDED!


And please don't give me jive BS. I was an eyewitness to the early years, having been born in what was still the British mandate and then living in the 78% of it which became Israel till we left in 1958.

If anything, in the US the media narrative is overwhelmingly "Israel good, Palestinians bad." It's as if everything began on Oct 7th.

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"America has been in 19 wars since World War II. The bloodiest conflicts: The Korean War, The Vietnam War and wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The total death toll of people killed by American troops in all these wars put together is over 12 million."


And this doesn't include the recent scamdemic... How many were killed by the lockdowns and the toxic experimental jab.

In the ongoing war against humanity technology provides a more profitable means to efficiently expedite the process.

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