This five part “Viral Delusion” series is the quickest way to get up to speed. They can just be listened to while you are doing other things.

There was no “lab leak.”

Patents and money trails are not proof of existence.

The Viral Delusion, Episode One: “The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-C0V-2 (Behind the Pandemic Curtain)


The Viral Delusion, Ep. 2:

“Monkey Business: Polio, Measles, and How it All Began.”


The Viral Delusion Part 3: The Mask of Death, The Plague, Smallpox and The Spanish Flu


The Viral Delusion Ep. 4:

AIDS: The deadly Deseption


The Viral Delusion, Ep. 5:

Sequencing the Virus: … without the virus.


Link to full Viral Delusion series, 1 - 5:


For 11.99, you may get better quality and support the creators at:


Doctor Samantha Bailey, Bioweapon B.S.:


A Farewell to Virology, text:


A Farewell to Virology, part one - video commentary series with Steve Falconer


A Farewell to Virology, Part Two:


For further information, read Virus Mania, Fauci’s First Fraud, and AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire

Watch House of Numbers and Fauci’s First Fraud, on Rumble:


House of Numbers:


Bioweapon BS, Doctor Samantha Bailey


The End of COVID documentary series:


The Yin & Yang of HIV, Part One:


The Yin & Yang of HIV, Part Two:


The Yin & Yang of HIV, Part Three:


The End of Germ Theory


For more good resources:


“HIV, A Virus Like No Other:”





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The liberation of the mind from fear is more urgent than ever before.

And with this comes reasoning vs the current escalated insanity of humanity.

Dr Mark and Sam B rock.

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Fear — the only contagious virus

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Great interview.

Started out as an idea in search of funding.

The entirety of germ theory and gene theory would collapse overnight if the money spigot being funneled into these quack enterprises dried up.

Germ and gene theory are inventions of the ruling class and serve multiple lines of acquisition for yesterday's robber barons and today's technocrats.

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Always a good occasion for linking to this class(ic) analysis of the virology pseudoscience:


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I remember at the start of convid when everyone (including people like Bigtree, etc) all agreed that covid had never been isolated. Saying so in the "truth-movement" was in no way controversial at the time. It was only when you started saying "Well actually, NONE of them have ever been isolated" that seemingly all hell broke lose and these people started pushing back. This was of course also around the same time when they all suddenly changed their stance from "covid has never been isolated" to "covid is real, it came from a lab and anyone claiming that viruses (including covid) doesn't exist is a fraud".

Also in regard to what Mark said in the end; I definitely think that germ theory is one of those things that will wake people up to "the whole picture", so to speak. Germ theory is not a small thing, it's really big, and so when you learn the truth about it, it really makes you wonder "Well, hold on. If they lied about something like this, then what else have they lied about?". I know it was like that with myself and I'm sure many others as well. Learning the truth about germ theory causes a domino-effect that makes you look at other things more closely. It's not a small lie, it's a really big one. Why someone would be so against people taking a closer look at it, frankly, really makes me question their motives.

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The ruling class has been using gatekeepers, limited hangouts, and infiltrators to control, divide, and neutralize popular/radical/democratic movements for decades, here at home and all around the world wherever their interests are threatened.

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Well put. The challenge is counter marketing, undoing the germ theory con is comparable to trying to launch a new drink to supersede Coke, a century size budget is required. While Covid arguably had the greatest single marketing campaign in history it’s more vulnerable in the context of time and memory. Lab leaks are difficult to undermine and assail - how do you conduct a controlled experiment to disprove the possibility? Meanwhile multiple old fashioned poisoning goes by unremarked. We win through hearts and minds from the bottom up.

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And that "new drink" is water... which is "boring" and has always been there and is actually good for you.

Everything is backwards and upside down. It's truly incredible the mess that we're in. Selling the natural unadulterated lifestyle has become fringe. Questioning the status quo mental illness has become "dangerous." Stating the obvious gets you labelled a quack and a conspiracy theorist.

I really hope we can untie these knots but it looks to me as if the majority of people are too far gone.

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I feel silly bringing up the one item i have questions about regarding the presentation, given how much EXCELLENT content there is (will do a separate comment, for sure ) it's just easier to deal with the far smaller item. :-) . Regarding the attitude toward the "freedom" celebrities who continue pushing the virus narrative and attacking the likes of us. They are NOT doing this because they are wrong headed. They are engaged in an operation intended to control the "freedom movement," keep it within the bounds of established "health care" and limited to questioning certain jabs, promoting "alternative treatments" (for entities never proven to exist) and the like, all of this to keep the core narrative of the system going. They will do their utmost to spread disinformation, i*it's their very task, their part in the division of labor*. Just like what happened with the 9/11 truth movement (avoid physical evidence), the anti-Vietnam War movement (avoid questioning the US empire and stick to opposing bombing and "escalation" as bad war strategies). They're not on our side, they don't simply not go far enough: They are going in the wrong direction, deliberately.

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I prefer the US Empire to your fucking Made-in-China bullshit.

Have a great day!

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What do you prefer when the US Empire Inc. (responsible for more death and destruction than any other entity on earth for the past 100 plus years- historical fact) is wholly owned and operated by multinational investment firms that demand that cheap shit be made in Viet Nam, China, El Salvador etc. which are owned and operated by those same multinational investment firms?

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See what I mean?


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He said nothing which i didn't say below, i.e. the Orwell comment, which you like. Apparently you can't do details very well.

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Not sure what you talking, but it's America First, bro.

USA did enuf good stuff for China and Russia - time for them to pay back!

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Good stuff? You mean incorporate them into the global empire? Yeah, GREAT stuff. LOL. YACH!! (not to mention the fetishized thinking of nation states as entities which do things as if unified, rather than being instruments of factions of ruling elites).

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LOL! Wake up, dude, they are one and the same! Like Orwell said 76 years ago. Oceania = Eastasia= Eurasia.

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I licked urinal handles, restaurant tables, and microphones at open mics plenty of times in the last few years. Haven't had a cold or flu in four years since I stopped believing in them. So-called viruses are for comic effect. People need to do their own research (start licking things). If you're not licking in public, you're just talking. --Thor

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Be careful what you lick... you never know where an assassin may have left behind some arsenic or plutonium after a job.

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Yeah, I slowed down when I started thinking about actual real toxins. I was going to have a thing with kissing people during my open mics but yeah, I realized that if it became a thing, people could plan ahead and put bad stuff on their lips or fingertips. Sigh. What's a guy to do?

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I know right. Everything fun gets stomped on these days. Next you know you'll need a license to lick random objects or to kiss your fans.

Ah what the hell... go ahead... lick away... everyone needs a hobby.

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I go forth kicking and licking, master.

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oh, woops. I saw "kicking random objects." Well, that's good too.

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Whatever crumbles your cookie!

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We need to encourage everyone with an interest in truth to hunt down the LIES that retard all parts of science and medicine.

Look at the foundations, look for complex, purposely confused, abstract writing, they never expected to be scrutinised. You’ll find plenty of non-science.

My Substack article is titled We breathe air not oxygen

I logically present a new take on lung physiology that dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Like viruses, the idea mammals breathe oxygen should have been easily dismissed years ago.

The COMMONS of science needs to be in the hands of curious people.

Drs Mark and Sam please read my three articles and ponder.


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Brilliant love this I assume you have heard Tom Cowan the Heart is not a Pump this ties in well with that. Thanks

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I think the heart is a vacuum pump. The blood arrives into the heart as if it were sucked in, lower pressure.

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I worked in surgery and cardiology for 30 years. The heart is a mechanism with 4 valves that ejects oxygenated blood into the ascending aorta and throughout the body in response to electrical stimulation. While I agree the arterial system contracts to coordinate the flow into the periphery, the heart is the pump that initiates it. That's why you die when the heart stops and that's why cardiac compression can save lives by forcing the heart to pump by external chest compression.

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Hi Harold

The blood has zero oxygen.

The heart is forced to do work by the external compression and stimulation.

The heart does work and the blood flows.

How the heart does the work is the discussion.

I say it’s like a vacuum pump. Because the pressure is lower inside the pulmonary blood receiving chamber. Blood flows like it is travelling into a vacuum.

Why do I say without any doubt there is no oxygen in the blood?

Oxygen is a manufactured product of air. It’s not a naturally occurring gas. It’s not in the air we breathe.

Oxygen has physical parameters and this is very important for you to consider.

Oxygen is calibrated by its dryness. Medical oxygen has 67ppm of water contamination.

Air is measured by its moisture or humidity.

To manufacture oxygen: air is stripped of moisture.

Oxygen is contained because it obviously can not co-exist with air.

When oxygen is released it reverts to air by extracting moisture from its environment.

When oxygen is released inside the respiratory system it extracts moisture. This is the mechanism that causes oxygen toxicity. This dehydrates the respiratory mucosa and the delicate alveoli, causes damage and can kill.

The lungs rehydrate the red blood cells with salt water. Just like the ubiquitous intravenous saline drip.

The air we breathe has zero oxygen and zero nitrogen.

You may want to find the studies that put volunteers into a sealed room with 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen.

These studies don’t exist because this would lead directly to their demise.

Why would they die?

You may like to read my article

We breathe air not oxygen

I knock over few more paradigms in it.


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Certainly an interesting take. I'm open to all paradigm shifting discussions now for obvious reasons.

My question would be what activates the electrical stimulation that sets everything in motion?

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Rhythmic movement works with the musculature/fascia recoil to keep a body in motion. The child can be rocked and nervous system soothed, CNS pumped. I wonder if the heart has an elastic recoil that moves from one chamber to the other and returns in circular pattern. I’ve seen a Dr unravel a cattle heart with his hands into one circular / twisted flat by following the fascia/muscle.

What if the blood pressure system is a low pressure system or a vacuum system.

We get taught the opposites.


sphygmomanometer has three parts:

a cuff that can be inflated with air,

a pressure meter (manometer) for measuring air pressure in the cuff, and

a stethoscope for listening to the sound the blood makes as it flows through the brachial artery (the major artery found in your upper arm).

The SCALE of the pressure meter ranges from 0 to 300 mmHg. The pressure meter has a rubber pump on it for inflating the cuff and a button for letting the air out.

To measure blood pressure, the cuff is placed around the bare and stretched out upper arm, and inflated until no blood can flow through the brachial artery. Then the air is slowly let out of the cuff.

As soon as the air pressure in the cuff falls below the systolic blood pressure in the brachial artery, blood will start to flow through the arm once again. This creates a pounding sound when the arteries close again and the walls of the vessels hit each other after a heart beat. The sound can be heard by placing the stethoscope close to the elbow. Right when you start to hear this pounding for the first time you can read your systolic blood pressure off the pressure meter.

The pounding sound stops when the air pressure in the cuff falls below the diastolic blood pressure in the brachial artery. Then the blood vessels remain open. Right when the pounding stops, you can read the diastolic blood pressure off the pressure meter.

Source https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279251/

What if the SCALE is used to sow the idea - the blood is under a positive (push) pressure rather than a vacuum (suck) pressure.

The scale is relative to external pressure and the body’s resistance to external pressure applied by the cuff.

It’s not measuring the blood’s pressure/flow rate.

Just my first thoughts and a quick bit of research ...

Along the lines of mis-directions

Heartburn is a low acid condition not a high acid condition.

HCl for stomach acid. Where did the Cl come from?

Yes, the salt that sat on every table ready to shake over meals (prior to the 80s salt malfeasant propaganda) was a digestion aid.

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ROSE IS PART OF TEAM ENIGMA. This is a propaganda team that weaves a crucial narrative web leading to the 4th Industrial Revolution w/digital ID. From Omar Jordan (redacted)


Rose says several studies have been published which show that the spike proteins are very toxic to the body. But, if no virus has ever been properly isolated from a human sample, then no spike protein has been isolated. If no spike protein has been isolated, then it would be impossible to create a synthetic one…Rose is promoting the lie of the virus.

Jessica has basically been in school for the last 20 years. She was a surfing instructor and a freelance photographer, but outside of that, I don’t see an actual career, or any income. Jessica is working directly with Steve Kirsch, peddler of the “early treatment” and “repurposed drugs”…Rose is part of Kirsch’s “Vaccine Safety Research Foundation” along with Malone, McCullough, who all push half-truths and red herrings about vaccines and believe in magical viruses.

Why is Enigma (Yeadon, Paardekooper, Latypova, Rose) creating a narrative about “bad vaccine batches” which crosses over to questionable narratives about “early treatment,” “repurposed drugs,” and others that are pushed by Kirsch, Malone and McCullough? We know that these folks are all Pro-Vaccine, virus believing. Team Enigma is associated with individuals and companies that are involved in biotechnology, digital id, monitoring software and devices, etc.

“How Bad Is My Batch” is to convince the public that the vaccine batches may have been “bad” and that we need to improve or fix the system. This manufactured narrative discredits those who understand that all vaccines are toxic, there is no virus, and understand the larger 4IR agenda, by engaging in wild, far-fetched conspiracy narratives about “mass genocide”… When no “mass genocide” materializes, then normies will (rightfully) conclude that Yeadon, Mikovitz, and the rest of these VAERS hustlers are peddling lies about the vaccines and won’t take any of us seriously.

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We have to remember that many people do not realize the spin game. The Baileys, myself many others, including Jesse today have rightly called out specific persons and explained what these spin-doctors are trying to do. Believing in spin can lead to participating in bad medical or social programs and the spinners are an integral part of the machine, spinners can not be ignored.

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I would add that engaging with these duplicitous "spinners" as you call them is an effective tool for getting more eyeballs on the conversation overall and having the point-counterpoint types of discussions help people to see through the poor logical constructs that the germ theory fundamentalists are forced to defend.

The simple fact, like it or not, is that a debate between say Mark Bailey and RFK would garner massive views whereas Mark talking independently not so much.

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RFK has already said "no virus is interesting, but I'm not an expert on it", so there would be no debate and RFK would never give Mark etc that visibility anyway. The Zeck-Martin interview was the closest thing to a debate. Martin lost badly, was probably over confident and made a mistake by getting in the ring with Zeck to begin with. So much for an elite operative.

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Yes I saw both of those- using RFK as an example.

I think it is also useful to keep challenging them diplomatically to open public debates knowing that they will most likely refuse for obvious reasons. This also has the effect of chipping away at their credibility and (in)ability to defend their positions.

I think one area where the "no virus" folk could shore up and/or stress a bit more in these discussions is in hammering home the point of how germ theory is an invented construct that was propped up by the robber barons that took off in the late 1800's due to it being forced into public acceptance via a vast medical and scientific propaganda apparatus.

From there connect it to how it serves these same ruling class interests today- Mark and Jesse briefly touched upon this towards the end.

I believe that line of discussion is an easier entry point for the public than the fraudulent science of germ and gene theory. Once in the door of the discussion then people are more willing to take the time and effort to go into the science.

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That's a good idea Allen, why don't you try to coordinate it? Got it, you can keep records of what the parties say even from the planning phase and make an entire documentary, or even a book about it.

Of course the first page would say: ~ Dedicated to Proton Magic ~

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Like the idea of not wasting time rebutting disengenuous types such as McCullough and Bigtree who are not engaging in a scientific discussion, but, instead, are operating within some personal belief system. However, it can be productive to engage with individual members of their audiences, as some of them are interested in learning the truth. But thanks for a great interview.

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GOF was sequence prospecting to populate the pancorona database. Those who push the lableak-bioweapon argument ignore the absence of testing for transmissability in vivo.

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mark & jesse are talking good sense; its good to know there are some sensible humans. thank you for this.

please interview michael obernicia; he is one of the founder members of the universal community trust & is very knowledgeable about bank fraud, or how the banks lie and steal.

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The 'establishment' is terrified of a cataclysmic Streisand effect.

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Great. Excellent timing, just as the Virus Pushers Against Clotshots brigade seems to be escalating its attacks on the "no proof of virus" ranks.

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My guess is that these half way '' experts '' have shares and investments in the Pharmaceutical industry. Why else would they be so purposely blind, dumb and deaf?

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You may well be correct in some cases, however I think there may be another reason as well. These are scientists who have dedicated their entire lives and reputations to a certain field. It takes a special type of person to admit that they may have been wrong this entire time. This not only challenges their ego but their entire scientific belief system. That’s a bitter pill to swallow, and not many of us would be able to approach that with grace, instead we would likely defend our belief system to the death! Hopefully if enough people wake up to the truth, the medical community will be forced to reconsider the science. Thats why I really respect Marks approach of continuing to provide factual, science based data, instead of getting embroiled in a tit for tat.

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I agree with your point: these people have status because of their work - to admit that they have been wrong the entire time leaves them homeless, rudderless, all their self esteem and hard work over the decades lost, derided or just irrelevant.

They cannot admit to themselves nor to their social structures that the Emperor has no clothes and that they have been tricked. They believe that they are clever and good and should be respected for all their hard work and knowledge. To find themselves going in the wrong direction and to be rendered irrelevant is too much for them to contemplate.

(Probably how the nuns and monks of Henry VIII's kingdom found themselves when he closed down their convents and monasteries and they were cast out into the real world and they had to start all over again from scratch.)

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I like the comparison! There comes a time when you're just not relevant anymore and the smartest thing to do would be to bow out gracefully instead of sticking around until everyone knows what a plonker you've been your whole life.

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Very well put!

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I would ask that you guys consider a deep dive into adjuvants. The freedom community has focused on them as being a likely source of much of the harm that vaccines do to the body but the need for their use is practically evidence of the failure of the antigen-antibody theory. This theory postulates that a few inhaled viral particles lead to an antibody response that is eventually protective but that a large number of particles injected into the bloodstream require a toxic substance to induce the "natural" protective response. It is illogical and my guess is that it is not the result of carefully performed experiments to demonstrate the validity of the theory.

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Agreed. Maybe this should be labelled the adjuvant toxicity response otherwise in most cases nothing would be observed. When a rash or other symptoms appear the injectors say nothing to worry about the vax is working as advertised.

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It seems to be a reasonable place to test the underlying theories. Germ theory states that the antibodies are produced specifically in response to an antigen, a cascade that is triggered by the presence of a foreign particle like a virus. This mechanism should begin before, and independent of, tissue damage and the proteins should not recognize or bind non-specifically. The terrain theory stipulates that "antibodies" are proteins that are involved in the body's response to tissue damage, which itself could be due to any number of causes. The need for adjuvants is a point for terrain theory. I guess my question is whether this has been tested scientifically. Given what I now know of the science of virology, I have my doubts.

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I have my doubts too! We need massive independent intervention right now to counter the damage of the last hundred years not only in the medical industry but every other industry. It is now more apparent than ever that malfeasance is afoot and much of our world and everything in it is based on lies.

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